Hi there, I'm Zach and I like to refer to myself as a Web Dev+. The "+" is because I've picked up a fairly wide skill set over the course of my career and it seems a shame to leave all that out when describing myself.
I've tackled a variety of roles in a variety of industries, including animation, video games, film production, experiential marketing and most recently web/app development. If a good opportunity comes up that I'm not perfectly qualified for, I prefer to learn what I need on the fly rather than pass it up. All told, I have a pretty solid grasp of most aspects of project production, from a few different perspectives.
I successfully sold my last project (a 3D printing company that catered to tabletop gamers) and currently run a small lifestyle business that pays my bills and takes very little time out of my week. I think the coolest projects these days are being done by developers and engineers and the people who support them.
I love the "architect" part of a project and I'm very good at the 10,000 foot view, visualizing a project in every detail, then figuring out what's needed and how everything will fit together. I also really enjoy troubleshooting and solving those weird problems you run into.
I'm hugely excited by science, technology and what the future holds. I'm a big fan of tabletop games and my bookshelves are full of sci-fi and fantasy novels and esoterica of all sorts. I want to use every skill and resource at my disposal to make a difference in the world and change it for the better.