City data compiling and comparison

This was my final project at the Lighthouse Labs development bootcamp, completed in 14 days with 3 other team members. I had always wanted to build an app that compared cities on livability metrics, and the team liked the idea, so we went for it. We wanted to push the envelope, with a project that had a robust back end but also had special attention paid to a beautiful front end experience that was responsive on all screen sizes.

We built this app in Ruby on Rails, using plenty of javascript, including jquery and D3 for the charts and we made good use of SASS with our CSS. We sourced from third party API's and created our own so users could access our compiled data. We also included a form where a user could contribute to our database.

Check it out on Github

We really wanted an app that crunched heavy data, but kept it beautiful and accessible

Responsive is the way to go these days. We made it so.